To print the sponsorship package click here
or checkout online below
2017 Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
Executive Producer $6,000
- You may set up a booth providing promotional materials on the day of the event.
- Your 3.5 x 2.5 inch logo will be placed on the OH t-shirts free with each ticket purchase (3000 shirts)
- Your organization will be named as a sponsor on all marketing products used prior to Open Heaven
- Your organization will be displayed as a sponsor on our website/social media & screens night of OH
- Your organization will be publicly thanked as a sponsor on the night of Open Heaven
Regional Producer $3,000
- Your 2.5 x 1.5 inch logo will be placed on the OH t-shirts free with each ticket purchase (3000 shirts)
- Your organization will be named as a sponsor on all marketing products used prior to Open Heaven
- Your organization will be displayed as a sponsor on our website/social media & screens night of OH
- Your organization will be publicly thanked as a sponsor on the night of Open Heaven
Associate Sponsor $1000
- Your organization will be named as a sponsor on all marketing products used prior to Open Heaven
- Your organization will be displayed as a sponsor on our website/social media & screens night of OH
- Your company name will be publicly recognized and thanked at the event
Community Sponsor $500
- Your organization will be displayed as a sponsor on our website/social media & screens night of OH
- Your company name will be publicly recognized and thanked at the event